
Acklam Grange TeachMeet

I'm a massive fan of the TeachMeet movement and have been lucky to attend many events in the UK over the past 2-3 years.
Last night's event at Acklam Grange was without question one of the best events that I have attended. Brilliantly organised by Jon Tait and Danielle Bartram the event was very professionally staged, but had at its core the true TeachMeet spirit of teachers driving their own learning and professional development.
Throughout the evening there was a series of inspirational two minute and seven minute presentations (with some even joining in remotely from as far away as China!) and there was also lovely informal conversations with like-minded soles.
Was delighted to have the opportunity to present myself and was very flattered by all of the lovely comments for my 'Adding Value to Video' presentation. Showcased the apps 8mm, News Booth, Intromate and Scroll Credits and you can download these apps from the App Store by clicking on the links below.
Those in the room and those from afar were urged to join in the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #HGSinspire and the event was certainly truly inspirational. Lay awake last night with so many brilliant ideas going around in my head. 
There are a number of TeachMeets coming up in North East in the coming months and I urge anyone who has never attended to give one a go. TeachMeets and Twitter are without question now the best form of teacher CPD!
Bookings for my own FREE TeachMeet event 'Talk on the Tyne 2' are now being taken and am delighted to announce the wonderful Nina Jackson (@musicmind) as the keynote for the evening.http://www.animate2educate.co.uk/website/talk_on_the_tyne_2/90149