
Kids Judge BETT

So an absolutely amazing week at ‘Bett Show’ (Bett Global) just got better and better yesterday as I was given the opportunity to be host of the 7th annual ‘Kids Judge Bett’ awards ceremony. This was the first time that it had ever been held in the huge main Bett Arena, so to be asked to be host was an incredible honour. It’s brilliant that Bett are now rightly giving this huge prominence to the ‘student voice’ and I know so many previous Kids Judge Bett award winners (such as Alice Lacey from now>press>play) have spoken passionately about how much the Kids Judge Bett Award win meant and how it impacted so positively on them as a company. This was an incredible and unforgettable experience for all children involved and I urge any teachers out there reading this to consider bringing your pupils to Bett next year and to get involved in Kids Judge Bett. The biggest thank you of all must go to the incredible Katy Potts Skelsey who organises Kids Judge Bett each year. #Bett2022