
Early Years and Computing

Absolutely brilliant ‘Early Years and Computing’ course last night with Amazing ICT. Great to learn from the awesome Richard Smith again and to be introduced to Helen Cottom and Rachael Coultart also. Loads of great practical ideas for the teaching of Computing in Early Years and how these would be implemented under the new Early Years Framework from September. Course was a bargain at just £55 and I really liked the fact that they offered the option of either 4pm - 5:15pm, or 8pm - 9:15pm for the course. Appreciate that the later slot would not be to everyone’s liking, but for me I’m more refreshed at that point, than I am immediately after the end of a working day and I’m certainly all for embracing these new ways of working. As an educator it is important to keep learning. Yes, I deliver training to schools myself, but I also love learning from others too and I’m always happy to promote quality people and services. The next ‘Early Years and Computing’ session is on 8th June (again option of 4pm or 8pm sessions), I’ll definitely be attending again and can highly recommend to others too: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/early-years-and-computing-tickets-148236297757?ref=eios