
'AppsMe Education' to be released at Summer Conference

BREAKING NEWS . . . 'AppsMe Education' to be released at the Animate 2 Educate Summer Conference!!!

Proud to have played a role in the creation of 'AppsMe Education' over the past 18 months am delighted that the product will be released at my Summer Conference ('The Art of Computing') on Friday 10th June.

Although there are other app building products on the market, for me none of them are particularly child (or teacher) friendly for use with KS2 pupils and so the amazing experience of crating your own apps is not something test regularly happens within Primary education.

I've spent the past 18 months working with AppsMe to create 'AppsMe Education', a simple app building platform that can be used KS2 pupils to build an app linked to any area of the curriculum. 

The wow effect for pupils is amazing when their app icon suddenly pops up on their home screen and they can also go home and download on their own device or get friends and family members to download on theirs.

App building is current, exciting and relevant and provides children with a valuable skill that they can potentially take into the workplace. 

The software is web-based, so works on any Internet enabled device and apps can be viewed on both Apple and Android devices. 

The platform provides pupils with both school and home access, so pupils can enjoy making apps at home linked to their hobbies or possibly even creating an app for a family member that can be released!

I've been lucky to have some great opportunities with Animate 2 Educate over the past four years, but this is possibly the most excited I've been. Love in 18 months time to to have a product that I've designed being used in schools throughout the UK . . . . only time will tell!!! 

There will be some amazing release date offers on 'AppsMe Education' at the Animate 2 Educate Summer Conference. Why don't you book up and check out this amazing product for yourself: http://www.animate2educate.co.uk/website/courses__conferences/78283