
Italy (Day 2)

Today I've been working with pupils from Istituto Comprensivo Vigili Della Scuola (an Elementary School in Taranto, Southern Italy). Amazingly friendly and welcoming staff and pupils at the school. Had a fantastic day.
Bit of 'App Smashing' with pupils in Taranto (Italy) today. Linked to the legend of 'Ilva' (their very own Loch Ness Monster style creature). Pupils first used 'Pixomatic' app to remove sea monster from found image and add to image of Taranto. Then used 'Typorama' app to add text to the newly made image. Finally used 'Prisma' app to add appropriate filters to the image.
Visited the Museum of Taranto with pupils today and looked at many of the pots on display. Then used 'Pottery HD app to create pottery based on the objects that they had viewed at the museum.
Quite pleased with this photograph that I took in Taranto (Italy) today.