
School Strips

Sometimes in life things are just meant to be . . . on Friday I was the host of the ICT For Education Conference at St.James’ Park in Newcastle and my friends from 2Simple kindly donated a set of school football strips as a prize for the prize draw at the end of the conference. Around 100 delegates in attendance and a completely fair draw, but he winner was Tom Carney of Meadowdale Academy. Not only is Tom one of the nicest guys I’ve met in recent years, but he has also been a huge supporter of EduFootyAid and the Striker Boy campaign in recent years, helping to raise over £20,000 to support the incredible work of Mind. Prize couldn’t have went to a more worthy recipient! Huge thanks once more to 2Simple for their great donation of the strips as a prize too. Incredible company who are not only about great products (such as Purple Mash), but also great people who do so much to support the education community as a whole.