
Marvellous Maths Apps

Enjoyed delivering by brand new updated ‘Marvellous Maths Apps’ course for the first time this afternoon to teachers from throughout the London Borough of Havering on behalf of Havering Education Services. My brand new ‘Marvellous Maths App’ guide (free to all delegates) includes over 200 classroom tested top-notch apps covering all areas of Mathematics and all ages and abilities. The guidebook is the culmination of 7 years of research and testing and I’ve used every single one of the apps included in the booklet either with my own pupils at Lanchester EP or with pupils around the UK and beyond during Animate 2 Educate sessions. With over one million apps now in the App Store and close to 100,000 of these being categorised as ‘educational apps’ it can often be very hard for schools to know where to start when purchasing apps. One headteacher once said, “Martin you are great because you are our SH*T FILTER.”