
BETT Awards - Fonetti

Great to finally meet in person with Kim Antoniou, Vicki Edgar and the Fonetti team at Bett Global ‘BETT Awards’ in London last week. Fonetti is without question one of my ‘ones to watch’ for 2021/2022 and can rightly see why it was shortlisted for a BETT Award. Fonetti is an interactive reading app that listens to children as they read aloud. The technology behind Fonetti has been developed by Auris Tech Limited with the support of The University of Edinburgh’s School of Informatics and their patented speech recognition engine recognises what a child has read as they read a story aloud. Loads of invaluable data produced for schools and for parents who haven’t always got time to hear their child read. Trialled with groups of children at Lanchester EP during the summer term and response from the children was very positive and I was also incredibly impressed by the technology. Had up to 15 children reading aloud simultaneously and yet the app was still able to correctly identify which words they had read correctly. Lots of useful instant data then provided to my teacher portal. The range of books available is good (and is growing) and are of a high standard. Wide variety of genre of books and pupils were engaged and stimulated by the texts. This is certainly an exciting new product with transformative technology and one which I look forward to utilising more fully next academic year. Available on both Apple and Android devices. Well worth checking out and is my ‘One to Watch for 2021/2022’ https://www.fonetti.com