
BETT Show Blog (Day 2)

Another great day at BETT Show today . . .
Lovely to meet Prince Andrew at BETT Show today. He spent a good 10 minutes on the 2Simple stand and showed a real interest in PurpleMash.
Prince Andrew loving Purple Mash from 2Simple Software . . .
Huge thanks to Discovery Education for allowing me to meet Tony Robinson at BETT Show today. Had lovely conversation with him about the final scene of 'Blackadder Goes Forth'. One of the most moving pieces of TV ever!
With Moby from 'BrainPOP UK' at BETT Show. Massive fan of BrainPOP and particularly love using their videos in my Online Safety sessions around the UK.
Great visiting TTS stand at BETT today. Loads of fantastic products and some fabulous NEW additions to the range too! The brilliant 'Ino-Bot' which runs via Scratch was a particular favourite of mine. Be a nice natural progression from 'Blue-Bots', which I already love using in schools with younger children. 
Loved being introduced to 'Switched on Online Safety' at BETT Show today by my friends at Rising Stars. Another great addition to the 'Switched On' range of resources.
Got a new 'Nutkase' iPad case at BETT today. Massive fan of their product and have been using exclusively for past 2 years. My iPad gets some serious use and I always feel confident that my iPad will survive any fall (as it often has!!) The strap on the back is also fantastic for holding the iPad when presenting with it in your hand. The 'Nutkase' writing can be customised to your school name and the window on the back of the case is great for numbering/naming your individual iPads. Highly recommend these iPad cases to any school.
Enjoyed deonstration of CloudBase by Civica. Nice school friendly alternstive to SharePoint for those schools thst are using Office 365.
My Animate 2 Educate 'Gold Star' for Day 2 at BETT Show goes to Yellow Door and their fantastic NEW range of EYFS apps. The 'Pre-Writing' app was my particular favourite. You throw a pebble into the pond and the fish then swims the pattern displayed on the pebble. The child then traces the pattern on the screen with their finger. Had a real lovely feel to it. Awesome effort. Always love a high quality EYFS app and delighted that these apps will be released in time to be a part of my 'Best Apps for EYFS' course next half-term.
Popped over to congratulate my friends from 'Just 2 Easy' on their BETT Awards win last night. My Lanchester EP Digital Leaders can't wait to officially launch 'J2Blast' for them tomorrow.
Always lovely to chat to the fantastic Russell Prue. Looking forward to Russell bring keynote for this summer's 'Talk on the Tyne' and for my Lanchester EP Digital Leaders appearing live on radio with him tomorrow.
Ended Day 2 at BETT by attending the 'Meet the Future of EdTech' event in the BETT Futures zone. Some fantastic new startup companies present at BETT this year and was a real lovely buzz about the event. Particular shout out to my good friend Zoe Ross as she begins her journey with 'Mind Moose'. Make sure you pay her a visit if you are at BETT over the next couple of days.