
Holocaust Memorial Day Event

FREE ‘Holocaust Memorial Day Event’ for North East schools at Lanchester EP Primary School on Monday 27th January (1:30pm - 3:00pm). We are delighted to be welcoming 95 year-old Sigmund ‘Sigi’ Ciffer to our school to share his story and invite other North East schools to bring along some of their Year 5 or Year 6 pupils to attend the event too. Pupils will hear Sigi sharing his story and will then work in groups to produce some digital work about his life. Free resources will be given to schools attending (including access to a digital e-book of Sigi’s story) that can be shared and used for follow-up activities. Numbers are restricted for the event and we want as many North East schools as possible to be able to attend the event and therefore places are limited to ‘4 per school’. Perfect event for House Captains, School Councillors, Buddies, Digital Leaders etc to attend with messages of ‘forgiveness’ and ‘tolerance’ being strong throughout the afternoon. To book your places at this event (or for more information) please email m.bailey@lanchesterep.net