
End of Autumn [1]

Well, we’ve reached the end of Autumn [1]. It’s been an incredibly long and mentally tough half-term and teachers, along with all other staff in schools have done a fabulous job in extremely challenging circumstances. Bubbles have popped, teaching has had to instantly flip to being online and staff self-isolating has led to increased workload and demand on all in schools. On a personal level I survived a two week spell of self-isolation earlier in the half-term (found it very mentally tough) after teaching a class with a positive case, but then in recent weeks it has been great to start getting back into work as Animate 2 Educate again. A lot of work remains online, but am now getting back into schools for face-to-face sessions with staff and pupils and looking forward to returning in a more full-time role. To my teacher friends and followers around the UK and beyond and to all those working in education, enjoy half-term, switch off, relax and recharge those batteries. Never before has a break been do well-earned. I’m going to take a little digital detox, but will be back online again from Sunday 1st November and look forward to working with schools and sharing ideas online again next half-term. Take care and stay safe everyone.