
Digital Detox Time

DIGITAL DETOX TIME . . . signing off now for the next 5 weeks. Think this year more than ever a break away from the screen is needed after a large spell of this academic year been spent delivering content online. Like many I have suffered mentally over these past 16 months and certainly in need of a total break now to recharge the batteries. Despite all of the challenges of these Covid-times I am proud that Animate 2 Educate has continued to grow and develop, that I have continued to help provide exciting opportunities and experiences for my Lanchester EP pupils and still been a real honour to inspire and educate the next generation of teachers through my work with both Durham University and Gateshead Primary SCITT. Deleting all social media now for the next 5 weeks, but will be back online from Wednesday 1st September and already looking forward to what 2021/2022 has in store. Take care everyone.