
Mayan Minecraft

Mayan Minecraft - set my Year 6 pupils today the optional task of using Minecraft linked to their current ‘Mayans’ topic today. We have lots of Minecraft fans in Y6 and have used it in the past linked to topics such as Mountains, Rivers, Ancient Greece, Egyptians etc. During our live session today we looked at Chichen Itza and the famous pyramid of El Castillo. Pupils were set the challenge of trying to make a model of a Mayan temple in the style of El Castillo. Always amazed at the brilliant work children produce when using Minecraft in education. If you are looking for free alternatives to Minecraft to use in school or for home learning then check out either ‘Worldcraft’ or ‘Minetest’ which offer very similar experiences. You do not need to know how to use Minecraft to make the most of it in education, you simply have to be brave and facilitate the learning experience for your pupils.