
End of Half-Term Loading

I don’t mind admitting that I’ve found these last 6 weeks the hardest of all during this last year. I’ve struggled with my mental health and the restraints of being cooped-up indoors and there have been challenges both personally and professionally which have pushed me to the limit too. I like to celebrate my successes and to share them online, but also feel that it is important to share that it is ‘ok to not be ok’ and to acknowledge that life is tough at times and to simply celebrate making it through another day. I don’t normally take a digital detox during half-term holidays, but feel like this year it is appropriate to step away from social media and to reduce my screen time as much as possible over the next week, so that I am physically and mentally refreshed for the start of Spring [2]. Stay safe and take care everyone. Be kind to each other and to yourselves. Be back online again from 22nd February.